Emmanouil Remountakis

I am an Electrical and Computer Engineer (National and Technical University of Athens). I completed my studies in December 2020, presenting my diploma thesis on Mobile Edge Computing networks and Augmented Reality and creating an application for the National Gallery of Greece. Outside the strictly academic confines, I have held an active agenda of related tasks. Starting as a paid intern at Cognity, I was able to acquire my first hands-on experience with vocational extensions of my degree. After two months, I was hired as a full stack developer and consultant. Currently, I am working as a software engineer at Exclusivi, creating software solutions for luxury resorts to up-sell, cross-sell, and operate at scale with over 250 customers across 10 countries.

What I Do

Full Stack Development

At the last two companies I have worked as a full stack developer. Successful management of frontend and backend tasks


Team leadership and organization skills are two of my personal qualities necessary for carrying out demanding goals

Develop Mobile and Web Apps

Design, develop, and deploy web and mobile applications. Check portfolio

Data analysis

Capable of analyzing a wide range of data and converting it into information which subsequently offers insight and drives decision-making